Quality Policy

Our aim is to ensure the highest achievable level of quality in the products and services we offer, and to keep a quality driven approach central to everything that we do.
CTS Europe Limited specialize in providing application-based safety solutions to the worldwide laboratory market. All areas of design, manufacture, service, and testing are encompassed in our quality aim. We operate an ISO 9001 quality management system that we use to:

  • Meet customer and market requirements.
  • Comply with relevant industry and legal requirements.
  • Monitor, and where required, improve our performance.

This is to ensure we continually improve our quality management system, the experience of our customers and our business performance.
To support this, our quality objectives are focused on:

  • Providing a professional and responsive service to our customers.
  • Providing technically competent, total solutions to satisfy customer and industry needs.
  • Proactively improving the products and services we provide.

We are committed to maintaining excellent customer relations and we will work in conjunction with our staff and supply chain to ensure the requirements of this
Policy are fully implemented.

Approval for this statement

This statement was approved by the Managing Director

Name: Sean Codling

Date: 10th  May 2024

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